Friday, September 10, 2010

Where Do New Ideas Come From?

I feel that new ideas come from our surroundings. Our surroundings influence us on the decisions we have to make. Ideas could come in a good way from surroundings or a bad way. For instance, if you get interested in biology or chemistry because you're family told you, then that is great. But, if you're friends tell you that you should start smoking, drinking and driving and taking drugs, well then you should really think about if you want to go with their ideas or not. I also think that a lot of posts  come from T.V. or books, a lot of ideas come from T.V. because people think that what they are seeing on television could be cool or exciting, when in reality what they have done is had the worst possible idea ever. I also very strongly believe that people should get ideas from the right people, or right sources. People should not fall into the trap of all these terrorists or people who will bribe you to do something wrong, because that is them giving you a horrid idea, and you fulfill their dreams...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where Do New Ideas Come From?

I think that new ideas come from friends, family, and surroundings which include, internet, books and other resources. These days the internet would probably be the easiest one. People and TV have a huge influence on what peoples decisions and ideas are.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Favorite Story! What Makes A Good Story?

Over the Short Story Unit, my favorite story has definitely been Lamb To The Slaughter. This story really caught my attention when the unexpected murder of Patrick Maloney occurred(conflict). It was a very nice and calm normal old times story, until Mary Maloney lost her temper, and finally just clubbed his head as hard as she could. After a while I gained appreciation for Mary Maloney. I felt that if she did not kill her husband, then Mary Maloney would be left alone with her baby and no one to support her. As soon as the murder occurred, the story started to take shape and that is where I was really getting into the story. The Theme in the end was probably the one thing that really let me enjoy the story. The character of Mary Maloney keeps changing, and that is very interesting. In the beginning, Mary Maloney was a normal housewife, but then she turns into a murderer. The resolution was quite hilarious because the weapon of murder had disapeared. I personally thought that the conclusion, was funny but did not really catch my attention.