Saturday, October 30, 2010

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

Leonardo Da Vinci can be characterized as a true renaissance man because he was born into the Renaissance time period in Italy. Leonardo was apprenticed by his father to take over his workshop in Florence. After he spent a long time in Florence at Verrochio's shop, he decided to move onto Milan. In Milan he created one of his masterpieces named " The Journey Of The Magi". Leonardo studied different subjects including: nature, flying machines, geometry, mechanics, municipal construction, canals and architecture. At about 1503 Leonardo Da Vinci started his work on the "Mona Lisa".He was also considered a true Renaissance man because he was patronized by Giuliano de Medici. In his later years although Leonardo suffered from paralysis he was still able to teach and draw.

By: Hisham

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi - Courage and Fearlessness

I feel that what really made Brunelleschi famous and important was the factor of courage and fearlessness. This helped Brunelleschi with building his dome, because if he was not strong enough to speak to the wealthy people of Florence, he would never be able to build a different and unusual structure. Another reason why the best way to describe Brunelleschi was by his courage,was because he also performed an egg display in front of the rulers of Florence. Before Brunelleschi displayed this idea, he was mocked and made fun of, but he didn't let that affect him. He showed them the display with no fear whatsoever, and after that was given permission to build the dome, whichever way he wanted.
