Saturday, October 30, 2010

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

Leonardo Da Vinci can be characterized as a true renaissance man because he was born into the Renaissance time period in Italy. Leonardo was apprenticed by his father to take over his workshop in Florence. After he spent a long time in Florence at Verrochio's shop, he decided to move onto Milan. In Milan he created one of his masterpieces named " The Journey Of The Magi". Leonardo studied different subjects including: nature, flying machines, geometry, mechanics, municipal construction, canals and architecture. At about 1503 Leonardo Da Vinci started his work on the "Mona Lisa".He was also considered a true Renaissance man because he was patronized by Giuliano de Medici. In his later years although Leonardo suffered from paralysis he was still able to teach and draw.

By: Hisham

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