Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who You Are! By: Hisham Saadat

It has been proven that the way I learn best, is by not having any distractions around me. I also work very well in groups because one of my strengths are communicating with people. I am not in my zone, when people don't distract me and when I am in a quiet environment. I feel that I can concentrate much better when I am in a quiet environment and that I have the ability to excel, where as sometimes I get easily distracted and cannot focus.

I need to know that because I am a gestalt learner, I should also try and work more on the logic side, because I want to improve that as well and not only be a gestalt learner. If I am both, then I feel that I would be a smarter, and more well rounded person.

The strategies that would help me are using motions and seeing things instead of just being told what to do, because I am a kinesthetic learner and find it much easier to actually see and learn, than just take notes, and not understand the topic or subject. I would also like it if I was shown visually things more than just talks.

I need to concentrate more when I am in class and focus on not getting distracted even though I do sometimes. I need a quiet environment to work in, and need teachers to understand that if for any reason I am distracted in a noisy environment, it is because of who I am.

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