Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence - Blog Post #2-Hisham

Dear The Australian Government,

You people that invaded parts of Australia should feel terrible because you destroyed lives of many, and took them away from their families, when they were clueless enough to think that that is what they were craving for. You people should be disgusted because you have nearly made one whole race extinct because of what! Just because they were half white, and half black, you could not let those races mix. What is this nonsense for, you could have let the people of Australia live in peace, but you could not, you had to make their lives extremely sad,depressing, and hard to go through with.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence-Hisham

In my opinion, Molly is definitely a hero in the movie up to this point. I feel this way because she has taken her sisters out of danger and is trying to take them back to their hometown, in where they would meet their mother again. Ever since the children had been taken away from their mother, and town, Molly has been trying to find ways to get back. Eventually she saw her chance coming when there was a huge thunderstorm, and they could get away without the guards seeing their footprints. This is why I think Molly is a hero to her family.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Colonization and The First Australians-Hisham

How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

The British were quite full of themselves and they "knew" that they were better than the Aboriginals without even confronting them. This eventually caused conflict because the British had kidnapped Bennelong, just to teach him the right way to live. After this, the British expected them to be welcome by the natives, yet they were not. One member of the Aboriginal tribe, Pemulwuy, had thought that this was a very rude act that had been committed by the British, and so he speared McIntyre. After this, the British knew that the relationships between the two groups was not very close and safe. The Australians however did not think high of themselves, and they decided to start a war, and they did, but lost. A man the British called Saturday had to come out and declare peace, and surrender to the British.