Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence - Blog Post #2-Hisham

Dear The Australian Government,

You people that invaded parts of Australia should feel terrible because you destroyed lives of many, and took them away from their families, when they were clueless enough to think that that is what they were craving for. You people should be disgusted because you have nearly made one whole race extinct because of what! Just because they were half white, and half black, you could not let those races mix. What is this nonsense for, you could have let the people of Australia live in peace, but you could not, you had to make their lives extremely sad,depressing, and hard to go through with.


  1. I think you did a very good job making them feel bad, and putting the blame on it. But, you should of included how they should apologize and what they should do to make up for it.

    Otherwise, I think you did a very good job overall.

  2. That was, very straight forward. I couldn't agree more Hisham, what the British did was horrible. Your blog post was very persuasive and it has a lot of voice as it is obvious that you are very furious. Nice job!

  3. nice job Hisham! I think it really got the message across that they shout feel sorry for what they did, but I agree with Riana about the fact that you should say how they should apoligize.
    good job! =)
