Friday, March 25, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence-Hisham

In my opinion, Molly is definitely a hero in the movie up to this point. I feel this way because she has taken her sisters out of danger and is trying to take them back to their hometown, in where they would meet their mother again. Ever since the children had been taken away from their mother, and town, Molly has been trying to find ways to get back. Eventually she saw her chance coming when there was a huge thunderstorm, and they could get away without the guards seeing their footprints. This is why I think Molly is a hero to her family.


  1. Nice Explanation. Straight to the point!

  2. I agree with you because I also think that Molly is a hero.
    I wrote the same thing in my blog post about how she is somewhat rescuing her sisters from the camp. I think that your reasoning makes sense and you did a good job in explaining your opinion.
    - Laura :)
